Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Memorydex Cards 1

Here are my memorydex cards for December 2017.
These things are so fun to make!
Peekaboo Santa Bling.                                                          Silver Bells.
 Light Wreath.                                                                Paper Punch Cardinal.

                               Paper Pieced Santa.                                                  Beanie

                       Joy                                                                  Gingerbread Man

                           Decembrrrrrrr......                                                  Rudolph

         Your a mean one Mr. Grinch                                Sleigh Ride Snow Globe

                       Snowflakes are Beautiful                                             Holly Jolly

                     Holly Branches                                                            Poinsettia
          Peace on Earth                                           Don't get your tinsel in a tangle

                      Carolers                                                                      Chewbacca

                    Meet me under the mistletoe                                    Fireplace

                                              Angel                                                                Turkeydex

                     Holiday Wishes                                                              Snowman
                                  In order/ the Dex Box

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


October 13, 2016
It was a normal day; I went in to work and went to lunch at Subway for a seafood sub sandwich. Ate my lunch and went about my work. At around 2:30pm I started feeling odd not quite right. I told my boss that I wasn’t feeling well and left for home.
I have a ten minute drive home and was feeling kind of sick to my stomach. Was it the sandwich did I get food poisoning? I no sooner get home in the door and take off my jacket then I’m running for the bathroom to throw up all of my lunch. Maybe it’s the flu? I crawl into bed and lay down. Nope back up to the bathroom I go. This goes on till 2am, I just lay down then back up puking out nothing I have nothing left in me but bile YUCK!
 I finally fell asleep and can barely comprehend in the morning I feel awful. I have a fever and no thermometer to take my temperature.  My daughter stops by my bedroom on her way out to work my son had already left for work. She asks if I feel ok I tell her I think I have the flu. She heads out to work. I’m lying in bed I cannot even get up to go get my cell phone to call into work. TV is too loud so no to TV.  In and out of consciousness I go. I feel terrible. 
Finally get my cell phone and my mother calls me to check up on me. I tell her I feel awful and that I cannot take it anymore. She gets in her car and heads over to my place to get me. I can’t get out of the bed my side is in utter pain. I slowly roll myself out of bed and get on my coat and grab my purse. Out the door I go I can barely make it down the stairs to the sidewalk. Mom is pulling into the driveway. I slowly make my way to the car and can hardly sit back into the seat. It hurts so bad.
The drive to the hospital is utter agony! Every bump in the road sends daggers of pain throughout my side. They have been working on the highways so everything is torn up and a mess so many bumps in the road. Why did they have to pick the fall to do road work? UGH I hate them.
We pull into the hospital emergency room door entrance the doorman helps me get out of the car and into a wheelchair. Oh man that hurt so bad. He wheels me into the hospital and mom goes to park her car in the underground parking lot. I’m waiting at the desk for them to come get me and mom gets back to me faster than they can get me admitted into the emergency department.  They wheel me back to a room so I don’t disturb the waiting room with all my moaning and groaning. It’s like 6:30pm on Friday night. I sat down there for hours I MEAN HOURS! It was like 4 hours before I got a CT scan. It was confirmed my appendix had ruptured. OH NO!
I sit and wait and wait and wait in the room, here comes some Doctors to have me sign the surgery release and then wait some more for a room, and for time in the OR. I get to a room at 3am I’m miserable. They gave me Fentanyl it helps somewhat for the pain.
My kids showed up to the hospital to see me at O’dark thirty and sat with me until 3am then they went home as they had to work too. They do come back later to see me later in the day Saturday.
3:15am I’m wheeled down to OR for surgery, finally! Get this vestigial organ out of me it’s causing too much pain! We roll up to the OR and I see too much. Someone is being operated on and the Surgery doors are open and they say they are not ready for me yet. There is blood all over the place EWWW! They hurriedly Spray or hose down the room after they finish with the person in the room. I see the Doctor in a hospital blue suit and he looks like an alien in his surgery gear! There are big machines with arms coming out from them Oh my!  This looks scary this is the first time I’m scared! Then they wheel my bed into the OR and have me slide over to the OR table. A weird shaped bed made out of a hard plastic with a u shaped divot.  The Nurse Slaps a mask over my face and says take deep breaths 1, 2, 3…… Out I went.  Don’t get me wrong the staff was super nice and helpful I was just scared.
Next thing I know I’m being wheeled back to my room. I’m so out of it at this point. I must have passed out on the way back to my room.  
Back in my room and company comes to see me all day long Saturday it was nice to feel the love from friends and family around me at this time as I was drugged up too LOL. My boss even came and sat with me for three hours Saturday evening. After she left I think I fell asleep a lot on and off. Major meds keeping me comfortable. Many pills and blood sticks later. They wake you up every couple hours to check for the infections of having had a ruptured appendix. I got to eat some food at some point but wasn’t that hungry.
Sunday morning I had some breakfast and I mean some I wasn’t all that hungry still and it all tasted awful. I think it was the anesthesia that messed with my taste buds because all the tasty stuff tasted like nothing at all. Gross!
I got to go home around 11am with an open wound from my laparoscopy surgery and had seven staples all together with the two smaller incisions. With instructions to pack the wound with a specific kind of gauze and use sterile water and that it would take a good week and a half for the wound to really start closing.
The Doctor prescribed two different types of antibiotics and Pain medications. My tongue has turned completely white from the surgery and being so sick. Eating food for the next week was not easy, small amounts my stomach has shrunk to the size of a walnut. Mom helps me out with the packing of the wound three times a day. I sleep intermittently all day for a week. I had Hallucinations from the pain meds so I quit taking it two days after I get home. I’d rather feel the pain than be out of my mind seeing weird things.
Hehe in the hospital all I could see was the Simms characters with their diamonds above their heads for everyone that came in to see me. Going about their Simms lives and doing their Simms jobs. It was quite funny. I’m sure I laughed out loud too.
Week two I went home and boy that was nice to get back into my own bed. Not that I did much during that time watched TV and You Tube videos made some meals and lazed about all day long. On the second week on Thursday I had a Dr Appt to remove the staples and get checked, doing well. Yay!
On week three I went back to work with instructions to not pick up anything more than a gallon of milk. Yeah, I understood that I could hardly move without some slight pain. I was not going to take pain meds. I can power through this pain.
Moving forward to today week seven, I feel much better I can move around fairly well and only some stitch pain inside if I move wrong. Symptoms of afterwards, weeks and I mean weeks of diarrhea. That really was awful! And even now when I have much better bowel movements I get backed up and my intestines can really feel the pains of where my incisions are at. My guts hurt and ache. But then you know sit down and go! I have constant burping from the amount of gas they used to fill my stomach for the surgery. Yuck. But I’m doing much better than that first two days of being sick. Why does this organ have to betray us?
I heard that it can take four to six months for the anesthesia to work its way out of our system after surgery. Sure feels like it when I burp, yuck. I also have to say that this was worse than childbirth. I also hope that week eight goes better. It does get better each day it just takes a lot of time to heal. And that is frustrating for someone who is very active.
I just wanted to get this all off my mind so that I can move forward from here and get completely well and feel normal again.  I think I haven’t felt well in a while and just didn’t realize it! Go figure high pain tolerance haha.
December 7, 2016

Thursday, April 25, 2013

My larger Polymer clay figurines

Large Pig Piles, farm animals and wild animals, Griffin, Giraffe, Baby Dragon, Dragons, Steampunk Dragon.

Polymer Clay Angry Birds

My Angry Bird charms from Polymer Clay.

Polymer Clay Pocket Watches

Handmade polymer clay pocket watches.

Polymer Clay Figurines Peanuts Characters

I created some peanuts characters in polymer clay.

Refrigerator Pickles

7 Cups thinly sliced cucumbers
2 Cups Sugar
1 tsp celery seed
1 Cup Sliced Onion (thinly sliced)
2 Tbsp. Salt

Mix well, let stand for 1 hour. Refrigerate in covered container. Keeps indefinitely.

This is really good recipe Yummy for summer days.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My altered Dresser

I worked very hard on cleaning up this messy dresser to make it more uhhhh useful! Yeah that's the ticket, I've stuffed it with my DVD collection and Painted it yellow and added the vines and birds it actually turned out really really cute. I'm extremely happy with the results.

My homemade Cell phone charging station

My homemade Cell phone charging station click to watch the video.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I'm so thankful for my family, my health and friends. I've been through enough stress from the last year that I'd rather have fun and live my life to the fullest from now on. My children are all grown,.. not left the coop yet but what are parent's for? Just as long as they don't mooch off me forever!!! Haha. I have been so busy this year with my projects and taking them to the local fairs. I placed many Ribbons this year and will post them later. My daughter graduated high school and has started college. She makes me so proud. This summer before college started she was in the musical Fiddler on the Roof. Her last High School musical was "The Wizard of Oz" she is so talented and makes me so proud of her. I have to go to her christmas concert for college in a couple of weeks. My uncles annual holiday party is coming up will be going to that. Hanging out with family is so fun. We get all the dish on everyone LOL. Anyways gotta get ready to go to Thanksgiving meal.